Throat Reflux

Our stomach acids can pass through our esophagus and stomach and damage the vocal cords and surrounding tissues. This is known as laryngeal or throat reflux. In the more well-known form of gastric reflux (Gastro-Eesophageal Reflux), there are complaints of burning in the stomach and indigestion, while in throat reflux, we expect to see more of the following symptoms.

  • Hoarseness that is worse in the morning
  • Sticking sensation in the throat
  • Sensation of tickling and itching in the throat
  • The need for frequent throat clearing
  • Combustion

In patients with these complaints, your vocal cords are examined endoscopically through the mouth or nose and the diagnosis is based on this.

The symptoms and changes in the examination are caused by stomach acids coming from the esophagus, which is located just behind the vocal cords. These acids last up to 15 days. Therefore, lifestyle changes and at least 1-2 months of intensive medication are recommended. You can find our recommendations for lifestyle changes, which are the most important step in treatment, in our previous article.

It is a disease that can usually be fully recovered if there is no other accompanying cause. It is necessary and important to perform additional tests to confirm the diagnosis in patients whose complaints do not improve despite treatment.

You can find our recommendations for lifestyle changes, which are the most important step in treatment, in our previous article.

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