The vocal cords are a pair of muscles located in our throat. Problems with the functioning of these muscles can lead to hoarseness.
Vocal Cord Botox
What is Vocal Cord Botox?
The vocal cords are a pair of muscles located in our throat. Problems with the functioning of these muscles can lead to hoarseness. In such cases, botulinum toxin (botox or dysport) can be used to reduce the contraction of the vocal cords. The main effect of vocal cord botox is to make the vocal cords less tense.
Who Gets Vocal Cord Botox?
Voice diseases for which Botox injection is performed are as follows:
- Spasmodic dysphonia (vocal cord spasm)
- Vocal cord tremor (tremor)
- Vocal cord tension (muscle tension dysphonia)
- Sensation of a tickle in the throat
- Persistent cough that does not go away
- Sticking sensation when swallowing (Globus)
- Vocal cord granuloma
- Bilateral vocal cord paralysis
How Is Vocal Cord Botox Done?
Vocal cord botox can be performed in two ways. Endoxopically under general anesthesia or with the help of local anesthesia under outpatient clinic conditions. It is most commonly applied under local anesthesia in the world. I prefer to perform it under outpatient clinic conditions in almost all of my patients. Vocal cord botox is a procedure that is often performed within minutes when applied in an outpatient clinic. Patients go home the same day and are generally not expected to feel severe pain after the procedure.
Vocal cord botox starts to show its effect within a few days and the effect lasts for 3-6 months. While it is necessary to repeat this procedure in some of the diseases mentioned above, it may be sufficient to do it once in others.
Vocal cord botox can be the ideal treatment for your hoarseness when it is performed in the right voice disease and at the right dose. If you have the above-mentioned diseases, consult an ENT physician who specializes in voice diseases as soon as possible.
- Duration of surgery 10 minutes
- Type of surgery: In outpatient clinic conditions with the help of EMG or endoscope
- Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
- Hospitalization Same day discharge (15 minutes after the procedure)
- When to return to work: Same day
- Full recovery time: 7 days
- Duration of persistence: 3-6 months