Surgery is one of the most important methods in the treatment of swallowing difficulties. Surgery is often necessary especially in swallowing problems caused by the vocal cord and trachea.

Surgeries Used in the Treatment of Dysphagia

-Swallowing Botox, 

– Esophageal balloon dilatation surgery, 

– Laser esophageal dilatation surgery (Cricopharyngeal Myotomy), 

– Trachea-vocal cord separation (Laryngotracheal Seperation) surgery and

– Aspiration Prevention Surgery (Partial Laryngectomy)

It can be one of many different surgeries.

Most of these treatments are performed through the mouth, i.e. endoscopic treatments. However, in some cases, open surgeries may be inevitable for the treatment of the disease. The important thing is to determine the most ideal treatment for the patient.

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