Voice Therapy
Voice therapy helps people with voice disorders to change their vocal behavior.
Vocal Cord Laser Surgery
Laser technology is used in many areas of medicine and is a vital tool in the lives of...
Vocal Cord Injection
The vocal cords are a pair of muscles located in our throat. With the work of these muscles...
Dysphagia Surgery
Surgery in the treatment of dysphagia is one of the important methods in the treatment of the disease...
Cough Therapy (Breathing Therapy)
Chronic cough is a health problem that affects the lives of many people and is often...
Voice Thickening Surgery
Voice Thickening (Type 3 Thyroplasty (Relaxation Thyroplasty))
Voice Thinning Surgery
Voice thinning surgeries are not ordinary vocal cord surgeries. This is why...
Microscopic Vocal Cord Surgery
Our vocal cords are located in the Adam's apple bone and are the size of a finger knuckle..
Tracheal Stenosis Surgery
The trachea is a tube that lies just below our vocal cords and extends into the lung..