The formation of the voice occurs when the air flow in our lungs vibrates the vocal cords as it passes between the vocal cords and this vibration is shaped by our mouth, face, tongue, teeth and lips. Therefore, for a healthy and beautiful voice, all these structures need to be healthy and function properly.

Our vocal cords are located in the Adam’s apple bone in our throat between our throat and windpipe. As you can see in the picture on the side, our vocal cords open in a V-shape in our throat while we breathe and close end to end while we speak.

The vocal cords consist of a three-layered structure. At the bottom is the vocal cord muscle, above it is the lamina propria, a jelly-like substance, and above it is the vocal cord epithelium, which covers the vocal cord like a veil.

In order for the vocal cords to function properly, the vocal cord muscle must first contract, open and close completely.

Thanks to this closure, the air coming out of our lungs passes through the windpipe and accumulates under the vocal cords and becomes stronger (the pressure increases). At some point, this increased pressure under the closed vocal cords passes between the vocal cords, causing the jelly-like substance and covering of the vocal cords to vibrate. And this is how our voice is formed. We then shape this sound with various structures in our throat and face, and in this way we create a variety of sounds that allow us to sing and speak, which is almost our identity.

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