Nasal breathing is very important for the health of our body. Nasal breathing filters and cleans and moisturizes the air that enters our body through breathing. In addition, it also expels harmful substances such as dust, pollen, and germs thanks to the small hairs (cilia) in the nose. Therefore, when nasal breathing is impaired, our risk of catching respiratory infections increases.

Nasal and sinus diseases are one of the problems that many people encounter. These diseases can be caused by many different reasons such as nasal cartilage curvature, nasal turbinate growth, and sinusitis. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are very important.

Nasal Cartilage Deviation

Nasal cartilage deviation occurs due to the incorrect placement of the cartilages inside the nose. This can cause nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. People with nasal cartilage deviation often experience other sleep problems such as sleep apnea. Therefore, it is important for people with nasal cartilage deviation to be treated.

Nasal turbinate growth occurs due to the swelling of small tissues inside the nostrils. This causes nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. People with nasal turbinate growth also frequently experience sleep problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. Different methods such as medications, surgical intervention or laser treatment can be used to treat nasal turbinate growth.


Sinusitis is caused by an infection in the sinuses (air-filled spaces around the nose). This can cause nasal congestion, headache, facial pain, and even toothache. Different methods can be used to treat sinusitis, including antibiotics, nasal sprays, and surgery. However, early diagnosis and treatment are very important in the treatment of sinusitis.

Nose Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention to correct or change the shape of the nose. This intervention can also be used to treat health problems such as nasal cartilage curvature, nasal flesh growth or sinusitis. Rhinoplasty is also an option for people who want to improve their aesthetic appearance. However, surgical interventions such as rhinoplasty can involve risks and it is important that they are performed by a specialist doctor.

In conclusion, nasal and sinus diseases are an important issue for our health. Diagnosis and treatment of these diseases should be done at an early stage. Diseases such as nasal cartilage curvature, nasal flesh growth and sinusitis can cause more serious problems if left untreated. In addition, nasal breathing is important for a healthy life and can cause other health problems when it is impaired. Therefore, if you have any questions about nasal and sinus diseases, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor.

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