Eating is one of the most important pleasures in life. Problems with swallowing not only turn this pleasure into misery, but also cause life-threatening risks.

What is Dysphagia?

Eating and feeding is not only something we do every day to survive, but it is also essential for us to enjoy life. Any condition that negatively affects this action can be called dysphagia.

What are the Symptoms of Swallowing Disorder?

There are many different symptoms of swallowing disorders:

How is Swallowing Disorder Diagnosed?

Swallowing disorders are caused by diseases that directly or indirectly involve the mouth, throat and esophagus. In order to accurately diagnose these disorders, intensive experience in this field is needed. The physician evaluating the patient may perform additional swallowing examinations after listening to the patient’s history. These examinations may include methods such as endoscopic swallowing evaluation that can be performed in outpatient clinic conditions or sometimes radiologic evaluations. In some cases, it may be necessary to seek additional opinions from specialists in fields such as neurology, gastroenterology, neurosurgery, and speech-language pathology to find the underlying cause.

What are the Diseases Causing Swallowing Difficulty?

Many diseases can cause swallowing disorders. Some of these diseases cause direct damage to the mouth, throat and esophagus. Examples of these diseases are:

Swallowing disorders can also be observed indirectly in some diseases. Especially conditions related to posture and neurological diseases constitute this group.

Swallowing Difficulty Treatments

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